FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

1When should I book the limo?
You should book your limo as soon as possible. We take reservation's daily and to guarantee your specific vehicle type we need to have a reservation in.
2Is Gratuity included? How can we tip our chauffeur?
We quote with a standard 20% gratuity, you are more than welcome to ask to have that removed, lowered or added to. 100% of the gratuity goes to your chauffeur, and more than welcome to tip by cash.
3How we handle proms, homecomings and quinceaneras.
We pride ourselves in taking care of your children like our own. Our chauffeur will show up and introduce themselves to the family, trade phone numbers and explain how we operate. We do not allow passengers under 21 to have backpack or other bags in limo cabin. We do not allow smoking, alcohol or drug use.
4Can we bring our own alcohol?
Most states you are allowed to drink alcohol in limo's and bigger that have partitions. If you plan on bringing your own, please let us know.
5Can we smoke in the limo?
Smoking in any of our vehicles is strictly prohibited this includes smoking tobacco, vapes and cannibis products.
6Are you properly licensed and insured?
Yes, all affiliates have to meet or exceed state and federal guidlines for insurance and licensing.
7Why do you have hourly minimums?
We have hourly minimums because vehicles take time to clean and drive from place to place. Minimums will vary from city to city and day of the week.